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Annual Institute Committee

Committee Charges
  • Develop a succession plan for its members to pass along their combined knowledge.
  • Secure educators, speakers and presenters that are applicable to both the young and the seasoned Land Surveyors.
  • Identify WSLS Board of Directors who will be attending another state meeting, and provide them with a method of reporting items that are important to the committee.
  • Identify the invited dignitaries and provide their names to the Board of Directors along with a list of Institute suggestions/expectations prior to the annual institute.
  • Investigate the Institute Handout folder and ways to make the folder more informative and efficient for the recipient.
  • Use the WSLS Website to promote the committee and the Institute to the members of the WSLS.
  • Explore technological options to utilize during the Institute such as a smatphone app for easy access to things such as schedule/locations of sessions, handouts, and notifications.


Robert Beilfuss

(O) (262) 250-4726

(C) (262) 250-8003

Members: Joshua Prentice, Bryan Meyer, Diane Arendt, Don Lenz, Edgar Harvey Jr, Emily Pierce, Howard Herrild, Jim Sehloff, Kevin Slottke, Larry Miller, Mike Romportl, Terry Van Hout, Aaron Ballast.

Institute Suggestions

Have an idea for a good speaker and/or topic for the Annual Institute? We'd like to hear from you - please contact the committee chair.

Future Institute Dates

  • January 21-24, 2025
  • January 20-23, 2026
  • January 26-29, 2027
  • January 25-28, 2028
  • January 23-26, 2029
  • January 22-25, 2030

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