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Ads: 2025 Wisconsin Professional Surveyor

Purchase a full-page, half-page, quarter-page, or eighth-page ad in any or all of the magazine issues.

Wisconsin Professional Surveyor accepts advertising from equipment suppliers and others offering surveying related services. Sustaining members are given a business card size ad in each issue of this publication as part of their membership benefits. There is no charge for ads placed by members for work wanted or help wanted, or for equipment for sale or rent — provided that the member’s main business is not equipment sales and rentals. Wisconsin Professional Surveyor is published quarterly — March, June, September and December. The deadline for advertising is the 20th day of the month preceding publication.

WSLS Merchandise

Personalized Surveyor Stamp Medallions

Order a personalized Berntsen medallion and help the next generation of Professional Land Surveyors get their license. A portion of the cost for the medallions will help underwrite WSLS scholarships. 

Digital Downloads

Chapter Dues

Dues: Madison Area Surveyors Council

Please fill out the attached form and send to the address on the form.

Dues: Northeast Chapter Dues

Please fill out the attached form and send to the address on the form.

Dues: Society of Southeast Wisconsin Land Surveyors

Please fill out the attached form and send to the address on the form.

Dues: Northern Lakes Chapter

Please fill out the attached form and send to the address on the form.

Dues: Central Chapter

Please fill out the attached form and send to the address on the form.

Dues: Western Chapter

Dues: Wisconsin County Surveyors

To complete your dues payment, please fill out the attached form and send to the address on the form.

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