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Outreach Committee

Committee Charges

    • This committee periodically reviews WSLS publications including books and brochures and recommends additional outreach publications.
    • This committee will contact media including TV stations and newspapers to announce newsworthy events.
    • The committee watches for upcoming public events in which WSLS can use its information booth. 
    • The committee determines the feasibility and cost of society advertising through various media. 
    • The committee will explore a future calendar project.
    • The committee will work with the website committee to publicize WSLS events and update the calendar. 
    • The committee will communicate with related professional associations for opportunities to establish liaison relationships such as land information associations, geospatial associations, Realtors Association, Wisconsin Bar Association, to name a few.
    • This committee will contact all new members to welcome them to the WSLS.
    • The committee will provide new members with a chapter listing with contact information and encourage their participation in a chapter near them.
    • The committee will provide new members with a listing of WSLS committees and encourage their participation and support.
    • The committee will contact all new registrants and supply them with a membership application and inform them of a free one year WSLS membership. 
    • The committee works with the Executive Director in contacting past members to encourage them to continue or renew their membership and support the WSLS. 
    • The committee will contact vendors to solicit their membership in the WSLS as sustaining members.
    • The chair will solicit participation of others to review and recommend changes to the member’s benefits section on the WSLS website.
    • The committee will proof read and contribute to the updating of the Wisconsin Surveyor Firm Directory.
    • In 2021, the committee will establish WSLS in the “Get Kids into Surveying” program, and the committee will thereafter monitor and maintain our presence therein, including the distribution of promotional materials.


    Adam Schleicher

    (C) (608) 444-6801

    Larry J. Miller

    (C) (920) 810-2798

    Members: Joe Tew, Jeanette Harley, Connor Christopherson, Rob Jacobson, Eric Hauge

    WSLS Brochures and Information Sheets

    The Outreach Committee, along with others in the previous years and updated for today, have put together information sheets and a tri-fold brochure. These sheets may be downloaded and printed for your use and may be displayed in public or private areas that will benefit the sharing of information to and education of the public. You may also order any of the materials to printed and delivered by contacting the Outreach Committee through the Co-Chairs or

    Info Sheet Links

    What is the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors?

    Choose a member of the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors

    Common Types of Surveys

    What is Land Surveying?

    Why consult a Professional Land Surveyor? (trifold brochure)

    Outreach Content and Media Listing Available for Use

    • 2 - banners for booths
    • 75 - Get Kids Into Survey posters

    You may also order any of the materials to be printed and delivered by contacting the Outreach Committee through the Co-Chairs or

    Outreach Programs

    Get Kids into Survey(c) 

    Bringing young people into the exciting world of survey through pioneering content and engaging experiences.

    Contact Larry Miller for more information

    Larry J. Miller

    (C) (920) 810-2798

    Boy Scout Merit Badge


    Future Cities

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