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WIDOT Liaison Committee

Committee Charges

  • Serve as liaison between the WSLS and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to address DOT surveying and mapping related standards and policies.
  • Provide communication between the DOT and WSLS in the interest of maintaining a cooperative private/public partnership with the goal of furthering the interests of the surveying profession within DOT and the transportation industry at large.
  • Provide communication and updates to the WSLS membership on changes to DOT policy and practices including changes to the FDM and surveying and mapping related manuals.
  • Communication will be provided by periodic reports to the WSLS Board of Directors and articles to be published in the Wisconsin Professional Surveyor and on the WSLS Website.
  • Provide information to the Board relative to Prevailing Wage Rates as related to the David Bacon Act.
  • The WSLS committee Co-Chair will represent WSLS at the Annual DOT Survey Meeting and periodic PUG meetings.


Kevin C. Boyer

(O) (715) 845-1081

(C) (715) 305-5491

Members: Terry VanHout, Brad Tisdale, Carla Rollins, Chris Badtke, Scott Koffarnus

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