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Version 7 Statewide Parcel Layer Release!

29 Jun 2021 5:09 PM | Deleted user

The Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) and State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) are pleased to announce the release of the Version 7 (V7) Statewide Parcel Map Database, the newest iteration of Wisconsin’s statewide digital parcel map.       



Wisconsin V7 Statewide Parcel Map Webpage – For statewide downloads (as file geodatabase), individual county downloads, schema documentation, and more



Wisconsin Statewide Parcel App



Wisconsin Statewide Parcel Map REST Services



          Knowing why the data matters to your business needs is crucial for us to justify offering this service into the future.

After you have gotten a chance to take a look, thank you for letting us know how you use statewide parcel data!


Peter Herreid

Grant Administrator

Wisconsin Land Information Program 


Mike Friis 

Program Manager 

Wisconsin Land Information Program   

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