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25 May 2022 9:55 AM | Deleted user

Ronald K. Jacobson, Ironwood Michigan, has been appointed to a three year term on the FEMA Technical Mapping Advisory Council as the Surveying Member effective May 13, 2022. The Technical Mapping Advisory Council (TMAC) is a federal advisory committee established to review and make recommendations to FEMA on matters related to the national flood mapping program authorized under the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012.

The national flood mapping program provides flood maps to inform communities about the local flood risk and help set minimum floodplain standards so communities may build safely and resiliently. The Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) established under the program help determine the cost of National Flood Insurance Program flood insurance which helps property owners financially protect themselves against flooding.

Representing the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors, Jacobson is the only land surveyor on the 16 member national Council. He will be responsible for attending and participating in Council and subcommittee meetings and conference calls, providing written input on the annual report and deliverables and certifying non-lobbyist registration status annually.

“I appreciate Ron’s willingness to serve on the Council and know that FEMA will benefit from his ideas and experience,” stated Nimisha Agarwal, Deputy Associate Administrator (Acting), Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration.

Ronald is an alumni of AD Johnston High School, Bessemer MI and Michigan Technological University with a dual BS in Forestry and Land Surveying. With nearly 40 years of land surveying experience and 15 years of flood plain mapping for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) plus his experience and expertise, he will provide valuable assistance to FEMA on matters related to flood hazard mapping as part of the National Flood Insurance Program.

Jacobson is a licensed land surveyor in six states and currently is the Survey Manager for Coleman Engineering Company, based out of the Ironwood MI office. Coleman Engineering Company is a multi-disciplinary engineering firm employing approximately 100 people between four office locations in Iron Mountain, Ironwood, Negaunee Michigan and Green Bay Wisconsin. Founded in 1969, the firm has continually provided a variety of professional engineering and surveying services to municipalities, government agencies, commercial/industrial companies and residential clients. With professionals licensed in multiple states, Coleman Engineering Company provides a diverse range of professional engineering services throughout the Central Great Lakes Region.

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