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  • 16 Mar 2023 3:00 PM | Anne Hauer-Mossman (Administrator)

    On February 24, 2023 Governor Evers proclaimed March 19th - March 25th as National Surveyors Week and March 21st as Global Surveyors Day. For more information regarding this week, please visit the NSPS website:

    Thank you to John Hohol for contacting the Governor's office.

    You may view the Proclamation, here.

  • 19 Jan 2023 11:00 AM | Anne Hauer-Mossman (Administrator)

    The WSLS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Ad-hoc Committee is conducting a demographic and DEI information survey, as charged by the WSLS Board of Directors.  Survey results will be used to better understand who our members are and how important diversity, equity and inclusion is to our membership

  • 8 Nov 2022 3:36 PM | Anne Hauer-Mossman (Administrator)

    Last week, our long time Executive Director, Frank Thousand, passed away peacefully in the company of his family. 

    His obituary is available here. WSLS is grateful for his faithful service to our association, and we send our condolences to his family and loved ones.

  • 16 Jun 2022 1:51 PM | Joseph Tew (Administrator)

    Four WSLS members served as part of a panel discussion at the Wisconsin Register of Deeds Association (WRDA) summer conference at the Ingleside Hotel in Pewaukee, Wisconsin on June 7, 2022. John Casucci, Jim Selhoff, Jeff De Muth and WSLS President Bryan Meyer were all a part of the 90-minute session. The panelists were from different parts of the state. Nearly 50 Registers were in attendance. 

    The session came about due to some concerns expressed by WSLS member and past President John Casucci in an October 2021 letter to Executive Director Frank Thousand. Casucci expressed concerns over a lack of standard requirements for Certified Survey Maps statewide. Thousand shared Casucci’s concerns with the WSLS Board of Directors. President Meyer made contact with WRDA members Tiffany Ringer (Wood County), Sharon Martin (Washington County) and Staci Hoffman (Jefferson County), and plans were made for this session to take place.

    Several Registers submitted questions in advance of the session to serve as talking points and to give the four panelists time to research and be ready with answers. The panelists also interacted with the RODs with questions from a land surveying perspective. 

    The questions/topics discussed:

    The weight of the paper used for Certified Survey Maps: While many RODs require a minimum of 24-pound paper, many RODs do not. 

    Keeping the original CSM: Many Counties still do keep the original map. Some Counties do not. The Counties that do not, often return the CSM to the surveyor or the client. Some counties have an agreement with the surveyor to destroy the original CSM once it has been scanned into the ROD system. 

    3” x 3” square for recording information: This topic brought some conversation since it is not necessarily listed as a requirement of Chapter 236. Other portions of statute do list the 3” x 3” square as a requirement for recorded documents. Depending on the recording system used in a particular County determines if the area is needed (often in the upper right-hand corner of the CSM).

    E-Recording of Certified Survey maps: It was agreed that things are trending in the direction of e-recording but not every County is set up for that yet. It was agreed that this topic would be a good session at the WSLS Annual Institute. 

    Allowing electronic signatures: Some Counties are able to accommodate electronic signatures, and some are not. Most Counties still require a “wet” signature. 

    Other topics: Who enforces Chapter 236? Why does scale on a map matter? What is the biggest “pain in the …….” when we reject or refuse to record a CSM?  Cost to Surveyor? Cost to customer?  Delays?  Hurt feelings? 

    One eye opening topic near the end of the session was brought to light - the fact that many young people are unable to read cursive. Both WRDA and WSLS agreed that this is a requirement of both professions in order to read older recorded documents. 

    The session was remarkably focused, purposeful, and respectful. One panelist indicated that it all went very well and he believed we made inroads to some solutions in areas of mutual concern. Both WRDA and WSLS agreed that we should keep communicating. 

    The end result of this session was that the RODs (led by Staci Hoffman) will formulate a spreadsheet which lists the various CSM requirements for each of the 72 counties. A document like this can go a long way toward helping surveyors know the requirements as they work in a new/different County. 

    Bryan Meyer
    President of Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors

    Presentation Link

    posted June 16 2022 jtew

  • 25 May 2022 10:28 AM | Deleted user

    Here’s your chance to help!

    Dunwoody College of Technology Surveying & Civil Engineering Technology program is hosting several events this summer that will introduce prospective students to Land Surveying as a career.

    These events are planned to provide hands on experience to middle school and high school students. Planned activities include performing routine survey tasks such as measuring and drawing to scale, Pacing - calculating and measuring, improvement lay-out, as well as other fun.

    The Dunwoody faculty is looking for survey industry volunteers to help direct these activities for each event. Knowledgeable industry volunteers will help make this a valuable experience for all the students.

    The event dates and contacts are:

    • Wednesday, June 22nd: Pathways to Careers (P2C) 9:00am – 3:00pm.

               (60 HS students –12 volunteers needed)

               Contact Jake Blue

               (30-45 HS Students --up to 10 volunteers)

               Contact Heather Gay:

    • August 8, 9, 10th: Dunwoody Summer Camp.

              (20 middle school girls from the YWCA --2 volunteers needed)

              Contact Heather Gay:

    These promise to be fun events and a great way to promote our profession!

    Contact the Dunwoody Staff above to reserve your space today!

    Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors
    6600 City West Parkway, Suite 300, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 
    E: P: 952.479.4204 F:952.444.6363

    ©2021 Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS). All rights reserved.

  • 25 May 2022 9:55 AM | Deleted user

    Ronald K. Jacobson, Ironwood Michigan, has been appointed to a three year term on the FEMA Technical Mapping Advisory Council as the Surveying Member effective May 13, 2022. The Technical Mapping Advisory Council (TMAC) is a federal advisory committee established to review and make recommendations to FEMA on matters related to the national flood mapping program authorized under the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012.

    The national flood mapping program provides flood maps to inform communities about the local flood risk and help set minimum floodplain standards so communities may build safely and resiliently. The Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) established under the program help determine the cost of National Flood Insurance Program flood insurance which helps property owners financially protect themselves against flooding.

    Representing the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors, Jacobson is the only land surveyor on the 16 member national Council. He will be responsible for attending and participating in Council and subcommittee meetings and conference calls, providing written input on the annual report and deliverables and certifying non-lobbyist registration status annually.

    “I appreciate Ron’s willingness to serve on the Council and know that FEMA will benefit from his ideas and experience,” stated Nimisha Agarwal, Deputy Associate Administrator (Acting), Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration.

    Ronald is an alumni of AD Johnston High School, Bessemer MI and Michigan Technological University with a dual BS in Forestry and Land Surveying. With nearly 40 years of land surveying experience and 15 years of flood plain mapping for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) plus his experience and expertise, he will provide valuable assistance to FEMA on matters related to flood hazard mapping as part of the National Flood Insurance Program.

    Jacobson is a licensed land surveyor in six states and currently is the Survey Manager for Coleman Engineering Company, based out of the Ironwood MI office. Coleman Engineering Company is a multi-disciplinary engineering firm employing approximately 100 people between four office locations in Iron Mountain, Ironwood, Negaunee Michigan and Green Bay Wisconsin. Founded in 1969, the firm has continually provided a variety of professional engineering and surveying services to municipalities, government agencies, commercial/industrial companies and residential clients. With professionals licensed in multiple states, Coleman Engineering Company provides a diverse range of professional engineering services throughout the Central Great Lakes Region.

  • 22 May 2022 5:29 PM | Deleted user

    At the Board of Directors meeting on May 21, the Board approve the selection of the Welch Group as the new WSLS Executive Director.  The Board approved the proposed contract.  Finally, WSLS President Bryan Meyer and Robert Welch signed the contract.  Bob will be starting on June 1, 2022.

  • 23 Mar 2022 9:32 AM | Deleted user

  • 21 Feb 2022 1:43 PM | Deleted user

  • 12 Oct 2021 10:47 AM | Deleted user

    There is a link to the NSPS Joint Committee on Government Affairs in the Library.  You will need to be logged in to access the link.  

    The report contains all the items NSPS is working on on your behalf.  It is very interesting.  

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